Great At-Home Exercise Routine

Working out inside your home is a great way to get in exercise for rainy or snowy days when going outdoors isn't an option.  This workout requires zero equipment and works out your whole body!  So what are you waiting for?

Burpees/Squat Jumps
Start in a squatting position with both feet together and your hands on the floor.  Keeping your hands where they are, jump out into a plank position.  Jump back to the squat position.  Then, jump into the air as high as possible.  Return to the original squat position and repeat 10-15 times.  This will work your abs, glutes, and quads.

Pushup & Side Plank
Start in a plank position and, keeping your body straight, do one push up.  Then move into a right side plank by placing your left leg over your right leg and lifting your left arm up towards the wall.  Return to the plank position.  Do one push up and move into a left side plank.  Return to start.  Repeat 10 to 12 times.  This will target your arms, abs, and obliques.  Run in place for one minute after.

Using a staircase or couch, support yourself with your arms on the stair and feet on the ground in front of you.  Then bend your arms to 90 degrees and lower down.  Push back up.  Repeat 10 to 20 times.  This works your triceps.  Do 30 jumping jacks afterwards.

Walking Lunges
Start standing with both legs together.  Take a large step out with your right leg and bend both legs into a lunge, forming two 90 degree angles.  Then take your back left leg and step forward to repeat the same thing on the opposite leg.   Repeat 20 to 25 times.  You may need to walk in circles if you have limited room.  Following this exercise, jump rope for one minute.

Repeat these exercises twice for a better workout.  Following your work out check out these stretches!  Always talk to your doctor to discuss any health concerns, and make sure you have a large enough space so you don't get injured.


  1. Love it!
    they are so fun!

  2. yea interesting but can u update ur youtube vids

  3. This is really good. But I have high blood pressure. Is it good for me?
