Reasons to Eat Fiber!

Fiber is yet another thing we're told to eat in order to be healthy.  But why?  Eating fiber regularly reaps some major health benefits.  Here's some of the top reasons to eat fiber!

Lowers Risk for DIabetes and Heart Disease
In a study conducted on 559 teens, only 1% met the daily requirement for fiber, which is 28 grams for females and 38 grams for males.  Those who didn't eat enough fiber were more overweight and had more inflammatory factors in their blood.  These two are factors that can lead to cardiovascular disease and diabetes.  So. Not. Fun.  We need to make good decisions now to live a long, healthy (and thus happy) life.  Plus, fiber has been shown to have the same effect on adults!

Keeps Your Weight Healthy
How?  Fiber keeps you fuller longer.  So eating 100 calories of a fiber rich food like fruits, veggies, and whole grain products versus eating 100 calories of potato chips will actually hold you over until your next meal.  Makes sense?  If you aren't hungry as often you (theoretically) shouldn't eat as much.  Plus, nearly every high fiber food is healthy (think: fruits and veggies plus whole grains).

Healthy Digestive System
Eating fiber has been shown to keep your digestive system running smoothly.  And a healthy digestive system is a great thing!  In addition to keeping you regular, it's been shown to fight certain cancer due to maintaining regularity and boosting the healthy of your digestive system.  And who wouldn't want to lower their risk for cancer?

Want to start chowing down some fiber?  Click here for a list of high fiber foods!

1 comment:

  1. G.

    Thank you so much for this advice. With these tips I was inspired to change my lifestyle from my prior sedentary and unfulfilling life. I used to be 255 lbs and now am 175 and loving every minute of it. Thank you so much for inspiring me!
