About Us

Young Wild Fit is made to share advice and information to teenagers at any health level whether you're a super hardcore health-nut or... not so much. I created this site because I noticed majority of kids at my school really don't know much about a healthy lifestyle.  Our teenage years are some of the most important times to be healthy.  We are growing like crazy, both physically and mentally. So, I took matter into my own hands and intend on sharing some helpful tips and information to help teens live a clean, healthy, and joyful life.

I am a high school student with a passion for healthy living - that means environmental awareness, healthy eating, and exercise!  I receive consultation from a registered physician to ensure the information I give is accurate and helpful to you!

Got Feedback? Comment below!


  1. Wow the information on this website has helped me to do many assignments. I am a teenager too, even though i already have a healthy diet but i have shared this knowledge on the website to other people. Great JOB to the person who made this website. Congratulations!! :D :D

  2. Wow the information on this website has helped me to do many assignments. I am a teenager too, even though i already have a healthy diet but i have shared this knowledge on the website to other people. Great JOB to the person who made this website. Congratulations!! :D :D

  3. Good tips - keep them coming.

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