The Best and Worst "Health Foods" for Weight Loss

With all the "natural" and "healthy" food labels, it can be hard to tell which ones are the right choice.  Read on to learn the best and worst of these so called "health" foods.


Whole Grains (Not Whole Wheat)
Whole grains can help you burn fat because they are a form of "complex carbs," which take extra energy for your body break down.  That means your body will actually use up energy when you eat whole grains, which boosts your metabolism!   

Some example whole grains include:
  • Post Shredded Wheat cereal
  • Air Poppen Popcorn
  • Corn
  • Whole grain rice
  • Quinoa
Cucumbers or Celery
These veggies are great go-to snacks when you are craving something crunchy!  These vegetables (which are delicious with hummus or peanut butter) are hydrating, which means they will keep your metabolism (how your body burns calories) running properly!

Eggs (especially the whites)
Eggs are a great source of protein, an important part of any diet.  In addition, the egg whites contain "branched-chain amino acids" - a fancy term that means eggs will helps 

You've probably heard it before, but your body is nearly two thirds water!  Water is a necessary part of your diet to replenish your system.  Plus it makes you feel full and more energetic!

Fiber Rich Fruits and Veggies
Fiber is a super important part of healthy eating!  Fiber rich foods can help regulate digestion, prevent future disease, and control your weight. And don't be too concerned about the sugar in fruit - it's natural and healthy! 

Some fiber rich foods include:
  • Peas & Beans (try to avoid beans with too much sugary sauce)
  • Berries
  • Green Veggies (like spinach, broccoli, or kale)
  • Sweet potatoes

Before you freak out at the foods on this list, REMEMBER you can still eat these in moderation.  Don't be to hardcore for your own good :)

Somehow, granola is thought to be a "health food."  But if you are looking to get fit, granola isn't really the best choice.  It's typically packed with extra fat and sugar that is not so nice for your health.  Eat granola in moderation - it's basically like a healthier cookie.

Processed Juice
While you might think it's healthy, many brands of processed juice you find in the store are not exactly healthy.  Many processed juices skimp on the fiber that makes fruit sooo great for you and many are not 100% juice!  Try to stick with water most of the time!

"Light" Foods
While these foods advertised as "light" are supposedly better for you, they usually contain GIANT ingredient lists conainting weird ingredients like "Acesulfame potassium."  A good rule of thumb is to avoid eating anything with ingredients that don't sound like food.  It's important to remember that what you put in your body will affect your health and how you feel!

Whole Wheat Bread

Although it may seem like whole wheat bread has the same health benefits as whole grain bread, it is not so.  In fact, whole wheat bread is pretty much the same as standard white bread.  This means it can raise your blood sugar and cause your body to store its calories as fat.

Sports Drinks
While these drinks are marketed to be healthy, you really shouldn't be drinking them unless you are doing intense exercise.  Why?  They are full of added sugars that your body will quickly store as fat if you aren't burning calories.  So unless you're running a marathon, it's probably best to stick with plain old water. 

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